Small Utilities is an easy yet powerful suite of utilities ranging from
system utilities to cryptography, numerical and date/time calculation
process automation by batch or script.
Small Utilities consists of the following tools:
· AddPath - Add or remove path to the %PATH% variable. With this utility you can add or remove a path in a search path.
· Ask - Quering an user input from console. It offering timeout, default value and more.
· BootCopy - BootCopy is a Windows native program that will let you to smoothly perform a file copy while Windows is booting.
· Bundle - Bundle let you to puts a bunch of files into a single executable.
· ByteCopy - ByteCopy is a lightweight program based on NT native API for quickly copy file up to 1000 Tera Byte.
· CCalc - Perform calculations from the console or batch file. Besides
the traditional operators are available advanced mathematical functions.
· CDOpCl - CD/DVD Drive door opens and closes. Check the status of your
CD player even remotely, with this program because you can open or
close the door of the CD/DVD drive.
· Char2Code - Display the corresponding code of given character.
· ChgScreenRes - Change Screen Resolution. Usefull for change the screen resolution from startup folders or scheduled tasks.
· ClearClipboard - Clear the clipboard contents.
· CloseWin - Shut down or restart windows. Shut down or restart windows
on local or remote PC. The shut down process could be stopped.
· Code2Char - Display the corresponding character of given code. It can
be also used as a decimal to exadecimal converter (and vice-versa).
· CreaFile - Create a disk file and fills it on fly. Quickly create a
file with the size that you give it to command line. Usefull for system
and file transfer testing.
· CSID - Quickly retrive the computer's security identifier (SID).
· DTCalc - Do simple calculation with date and time values where valid
date range is between 1601 through 30827, time use the 24 hour clock
· EmptyBin - Quickly empty the recycle bin. Quickly empty the recycle bin with or without confirmation, progress bar and sound.
· Error - Translate an error number into a description. With this
utility you can quickly display tre error description from the error
· Folders - Folders enable you to quickly explore the Windows special folders.
· InPrivate - Keep enduring Internet Explorer 8 InPrivate Filtering
settings. You can choose and save the IE8 InPrivate Filtering settings
in a permanent mode.
· Int2IP - Converts an integer value that rappresents an IP address into the classic dotted string.
· InUse - Display files opened on a network mapped drive. It is quite
similar to the OPENFILES /Query /S myserver command except that it shows
the file using the mapped network path instead the server local path
(share physical path).
· IP2Int - Converts a classic dotted IP address string into it's
correspondent integer value. IsAdmin - Discovery if the current user is
an administrator. With this utility you can easily detect if the current
user is an administrator..
· IsInUse - Detect if file is used (opened). It works on both network mapped drive and local drive.
· Log - The Log.exe is a Windows program for writing any message into
log files. If log file doesn't exist it will be created. Date and time
are automatically added to each row.
· Micry - MiCry is an innovative way for handling your data privacy an
security due it's new way to encrypt and decrypt data where the method
used by encrypt the data became an "algorithm sequence" that sound like
an another password. In fact a brute force attack for decrypt data
before to break your password it should detect the agorithm sequence.
· MsgBox - MsgBox display text in a pop-up dialog box from batch.
Displays a modal dialog box that contains a set of buttons, and a brief
text message.
· NCSKeys - Enable, disable or toggle the lock keys status. With the
NCSKeys.exe utility you can quickly change the NUMBER, CAPITAL and
SCROLL lock key status.
· PCLock - Quickly Lock Your Computer.
· PrgmStat - Scan your computer and analyze the programs found. Scan and catalog your application programs.
· RenEx - Extend the RENAME command. With this utility you can quickly
archive your file adding a time stamp in various file name location.
· RunLater - Runs programs some time later. Reads programs list from a
configuration file (runlater.ini) ad execute il according the delay
specified. Ideal to put it in the autostart folder.
· Series - Creates an displays some of well know numeric sequence
(series like Fibonacci, prime numbers, ...) that can be redirected to
· SFDT - Set file date and time. Works on creation and/or modify and/or
access date/time. ShellEx - Executes shell actions like OPEN, EDIT,
PRINT, FIND file and EXPLORE folder.
· ShellOp - Performs some operations on files like COPY, MOVE, DELETE
and RENAME using the shell functionality and its characteristics such
animation, undo, recycle bin and more.
· SysUp - Retrieves the time that have elapsed since the system was
started, up to 49.7 days (or above if runs in Windows Vista).
· Times - Display time with seconds, milliseconds and elapsed seconds from midnight.
· Wait - Suspend the batch execution and wait for some time. Suspend
the batch execution and wait until the time-out interval elapses
· xDir - List files with string file information (if available)
Password: su7212